Blanket Catch

Age: Kindergartenblanket

Equipment: Ball, blanket or sheet

Space requirements: Open space

Activity Description:

  • Have the children set up in small groups. There should be 4-6 children in each group to allow for increased participation. If there are more children, use multiple groups.
  • Give each group a sheet and a ball.
  • Ask the children to complete a series of challenges with their groups such as throw the ball up and catch it with the blanket, throw the ball as high as possible, and use the blanket to catch a ball thrown by a group member standing away from the blanket.
  • Ask children to make up their own challenges.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: manipulating an object; eye-hand coordination; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: sharing; cooperation; problem solving

Adjust the challenge:

  • Use multiple balls.
  • Have children throw the ball between groups.

Activity modified from: Sudbury Children’s Services Physical Activity Resource Guide for Child Care Centres

Posted in 4-6 years (Kindergarten), A-B, Equipment required, Open space



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