Age: Toddler, Preschool
Equipment: None
Space requirements: Open space
Activity description:
- Have the children stand in a circle to help you make “magic soup”.
- To make the soup, children add their favourite ingredients into the middle of the circle and help you stir them all up.
- Children then take a big sip of the soup while you wave your arms and say “Abracadabra! The magic soup has turned you into a…†Select something that moves such as an animal, sports star or vehicle.
- Children then move around they space like the object they have been turned into.
- Return to the circle to add a few more ingredients and take another sip.
Skill development:
- Physical skills: movement skills; coordination; spatial awareness
- Non-physical skills: listening and following instructions; creative play; self-discovery
Adjust the challenge:
- Have the children help you identify different movements they can do.
- Use more vigorous movement such as a race car, sprinter or galloping horse.
Activity modified from: A Hop, Skip and a Jump: Enhancing Physical Literacy (2nd Edition)