Chain Tag

Age: Kindergarten

Equipment: None

Space requirements: Open space

Activity Description:

  • Choose one child to be a tagger.
  • The other children try to avoid being caught by the tagger.
  • When the tagger catches another child, they join hands and become a chain. The children in the chain then work together to tag other children.
  • When the chain reaches 4 children, it splits in half.
  • The game continues until all children are part of a chain.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: running; coordination; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: cooperation; number recognition

Adjust the challenge:

  • Children walk rather than run.
  • Children can use an implement to tag other children, such as a pool noodle.
  • After getting tagged but before joining the chain, children can perform an on-the-spot physical activity.

Activity modified from:

Posted in 4-6 years (Kindergarten), C-D, No equipment required, Open space



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