Circle Overtake

Age: Preschoolbeanbags3-3colours

Equipment: Bean bags

Space requirements: Small space, open space

Activity description:

  • Have the children set up in a small circle. There should be 4-6 children in each group to allow for increased participation. If there are more children, use multiple circles.
  • Two children on opposite sides of the circle each hold a bean bag.
  • To start, each child with a bean bag passes it around the circle in the same direction.
  • The object is to try and stop one bean bag from catching up to the other bean bag.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: sending and receiving an object; eye-hand coordination
  • Non-physical skills: critical thinking; cooperation; sharing

Adjust the challenge:

  • Use only one bean bag and have children work on successfully passing it around the circle without it dropping.
  • Add more bean bags.
  • Try passing the bean bag a different way such as using only one hand, in an over-under pattern or using your feet.

Activity modified from: Sudbury Children’s Services Physical Activity Resource Guide for Child Care Centres

Posted in 2.5-4 years (Preschool), C-D, Equipment required, Open space, Small space



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