Musical Hoops

Age: Preschoolhula-hoop2

Equipment: Hula hoops

Space requirements: Open space

Activity description:

  • Scatter hula hoops throughout the space.
  • Children move around the hoops by skipping, hopping, jumping and galloping.
  • When prompted, children find a hoop to stand in. More than one child can stand in a hoop.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: movement skills; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: listening and following instructions; sharing; cooperation; decision making; critical thinking

Adjust the challenge:

  • Use more hoops.
  • Remove a hoop each round. More than one child can still stand in each hoop but this encourages additional problem solving and cooperation as more children will need to fit in each hoop.

Activity modified from: Ophea Early Learning Resource

Posted in 2.5-4 years (Preschool), Equipment required, M-R, Open space



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