Laundry Relay

Age: Preschool, Kindergarten

Equipment: Laundry basket, clothes

Space requirements: Open space

Activity description:

  • Set up a laundry basket with a variety of clothing items.
  • If you have a larger group of children, set up multiple baskets and have the children in groups of 4-6.
  • Have the children line up in their group and the first child runs towards the laundry basket.
  • When the child reaches the laundry basket, they put on every item of clothing and pick up the basket and run back to the starting point.
  • When they reach the start, they undress, put all of the items back in the basket and hand it to the next child in line.
  • The game continues until all the children have had a turn.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: eye-hand coordination; bending; reaching; balancing
  • Non-physical skills: cooperation; sharing; life skills

Adjust the challenge:

  • Use less items or items that are easier to put on such as hats, scarves and slippers.
  • Add physical challenges for children waiting their turn such as marching on the spot.

Activity modified from: A Hop, Skip and a Jump: Enhancing Physical Literacy

Posted in 2.5-4 years (Preschool), 4-6 years (Kindergarten), E-L, Equipment required, Open space



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