Snake Stomp

Age: Toddler, Preschoolcaterpillar

Equipment: Skipping rope

Space requirements: Small space, open space

Activity description:

  • Hold a skipping rope at one end.
  • Keeping the rope on the ground, wiggle it back and forth while the children try to stomp on the rope.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: eye-hand coordination; coordination; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: critical thinking; problem solving; self-discovery

Adjust the challenge:

  • Move the rope slower or faster.
  • Allow children to wiggle the rope.

Activity modified from: Nutrition Resource Centre Busy Bodies

Posted in 18 months-2.5 years (Toddler), 2.5-4 years (Preschool), Equipment required, Open space, S-Z, Small space



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