Bean Bag Fun

beanbags3-3coloursAge: Preschool

Equipment: Bean bags

Space requirements: Open space

Activity description:

  • Have the children set up in a circle, each with a bean bag or crumbled ball of coloured paper.
  • Have the children follow you while you walk around the circle singing the bean bag song:

Bean bags, bean bags (children repeat)

Red ones, orange ones (children repeat)

Blue ones, green ones (children repeat)

Lots of different coloured ones (children repeat)

What colour should I choose? (children repeat)

I will choose the _____ one! (choose a colour of bean bag)

  • The children holding that colour bean bag toss it underhand into the centre of the circle.
  • Repeat the song and pick a different colour until all the colours have been called.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: throwing; eye-hand coordination; aim and accuracy
  • Non-physical skills: listening and following instructions; colour recognition; concentration

Adjust the challenge:

  • Increase the physicality of the movement around the circle. Instead of walking, change to skipping or jumping.
  • Instead of colours, you could draw shapes, numbers or letters onto the bean bags.
  • Use a target in the middle of the circle such as a hula hoop.

Activity modified from: A Hop, Skip and a Jump: Enhancing Physical Literacy (2nd Edition)

Posted in 2.5-4 years (Preschool), A-B, Equipment required, Open space



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