Cardboard Wagon

Age: Infant, Toddlerwagon

Equipment: Cardboard box, rope

Space requirements: Small space

Activity description:

  • Turn a small cardboard box into a wagon by making a small hole in the side. Push a thick rope through and tie knots on both ends.
  • Encourage your child to pull the box toward them or drag it behind them as they move.
  • Show your child how to put items into the box and take them out again.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: crawling; pulling; manipulating an object; eye-hand coordination
  • Non-physical skills: self-discovery; creative play

Adjust the challenge:

  • Use a small box and a shorter rope which will be easier to pull.
  • Set up obstacles for your child to maneuver around such as pillows to climb over or chairs to crawl under.

Activity modified from: Manitoba in motion Kids in motion: An Early Start to Physical Activity for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers

Posted in 0-18 months (Infant), 18 months-2.5 years (Toddler), C-D, Equipment required, Small space



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