Dice Roll

Age: Toddler, Preschool, KindergartenDie

Equipment: Dice

Space requirements: On-the-spot

Activity description:

  • Have a child roll a die. The number that comes up will determine the activity the children will participate in:

1 – Running on the spot

2 – Skipping on the spot

3 – Balance on one leg

4 – Jump up high and sit down

5 – Spin in a circle

6 – March on the spot

  • Have a child roll the second die. This is how many repetitions or how many counts of the activity children will do.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: skipping; running; marching; jumping; reaching; balancing
  • Non-physical skills: listening and following instructions; counting

Adjust the challenge:

  • Use less vigorous on-the-spot activities such as touching your toes, clapping your hands or reaching up high while on your tip toes.
  • Roll more than one die to determine the number of repetitions and have children add the numbers.

Activity modified from: A Hop, Skip and a Jump: Enhancing Physical Literacy (2nd Edition)

Posted in 18 months-2.5 years (Toddler), 2.5-4 years (Preschool), 4-6 years (Kindergarten), C-D, Equipment required, On-the-spot



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