Indoor Playground

Age: Infantpuppet-clown

Equipment: Blanket, infant toys

Space requirements: On-the-spot

Activity description:

  • Place a blanket on the floor and place infant toys around the perimeter of the blanket.
  • Lay your baby on their front or back and encourage them to reach, kick or touch the toys.
  • Use objects with different colours, sounds, textures and sizes to keep the baby interested. Also change the toys frequently to keep the activity exciting.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: reaching; eye, hand and foot movement patterns; eye-hand coordination
  • Non-physical skills: self-discovery; creative play

Activity modified from: LEAP BC (Literacy, Education, Activity and Play) Move

Posted in 0-18 months (Infant), E-L, Equipment required, On-the-spot



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