Six Corners

die2Age: Kindergarten

Equipment: Dice

Space requirements: Open space

Activity Description:

  • Label the corners and two sides of the activity area 1-6.
  • Children move around the activity area and when prompted, select a corner or side to stand by.
  • Once children are in place, roll a die. All the children at that corner or side run to the centre of the space and perform an on-the-spot activity such as 10 jumping jacks, a one-foot balance for 10 seconds or 10 boxer jabs.
  • Repeat the activity.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: movement skills; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: number recognition

Adjust the challenge:

  • Decrease the intensity of the activities.
  • Increase the number of repetitions the children need to perform.

Activity modified from: Active for Life

Posted in 4-6 years (Kindergarten), Equipment required, Open space, S-Z



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