Clean Up

Age: Kindergartenbeanbags3-purple

Equipment: Bean bags

Space requirements: Open space

Activity Description:

  • Divide the children into two groups; one on each side of the activity space.
  • Create a “forbidden zone†in the middle by using two existing lines on the floor or by using tape. Distance between lines should be 3-5 metres. Neither group is permitted to enter the forbidden zone.
  • Game requires one bean bag for every two children. One group starts with all of the bean bags.
  • On the start signal, children kick the bean bags as quickly as possible onto the other group’s side. Children do not kick bean bags that are in the forbidden zone.
  • After a designated period of time, the game is stopped and can be set up to play again.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: kicking; eye-foot coordination; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: sharing; cooperation; critical thinking

Adjust the challenge:

  • Slide bean bags rather than kicking them.
  • Increase the size of the “forbidden zone” to encourage children to kick the bean bags farther.

Activity modified from: Active for Life

Posted in 4-6 years (Kindergarten), C-D, Equipment required, Open space



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