Down the Line

Age: Kindergartendino-toy

Equipment: Stuffed animal

Space requirements: Open space

Activity Description:

  • Have the children set up in small groups. There should be 5-6 children in each group to allow for increased participation. If there are more children, use multiple groups.
  • Within their groups, have children stand in a row, one behind the other.
  • Children pass a stuffed animal down the line, alternating over the head and between the knees.
  • When the stuffed animal gets to the end of the line, the last child runs with it to the front and starts the sequence again.
  • The game continues until all children have had a turn at the front of the line.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: manipulating an object; eye-hand coordination; reaching; bending; running
  • Non-physical skills: critical thinking; cooperation; sharing; predicting; pattern awareness

Adjust the challenge:

  • Have children stand in a circle and pass the object in the over-under pattern.
  • Encourage children increase the speed once they have mastered the motion.

Activity modified from: Saskatchewan in motion Daily Physical Activity Manual

Posted in 4-6 years (Kindergarten), C-D, Equipment required, Open space



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