Hoop Play

Age: Preschool, Kindergartenhula-hoop2

Equipment: Hula hoops, variety of objects

Space requirements: Open space

Activity description:

  • Scatter hula hoops throughout the space. In each hoop, place an object (or several objects depending on the number of children) that the children can manipulate.
  • Children move around the space and when prompted, children find a hoop to stand in. More than one child can stand in a hoop.
  • Children manipulate the object in their hoop (e.g., bounce a ball, throw a scarf, balance a beanbag).

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: movement skills; throwing; catching; spatial awareness; eye-hand coordination
  • Non-physical skills: decision making; critical thinking; self-discovery; creative play

Adjust the challenge:

  • Use more hoops.
  • Use more objects in each hoop to allow the children to choose the object they will be successful with.
  • Each round, encourage the children to find a new hoop to stand in and a different object to manipulate.
  • Have children manipulate the object with a partner.
Posted in 2.5-4 years (Preschool), 4-6 years (Kindergarten), E-L, Equipment required, Open space



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