
Age: Preschool, Kindergartenhopscotch

Equipment: Hopscotch grids (or make your own with tape or chalk), stones

Space requirements: Open space

Activity description:

  • Use tape or chalk to set up a grid with numbers 1-10.
  • Children start by throwing a stone into the number 1 square.
  • Children jump through the course, avoiding the square with the stone.
  • Once the child has reached the number 10 square, they turn around and head back to the starting point.
  • When the get back to the square with the stone, the bend over to pick it up.
  • The game repeats with the stone being thrown into squares 2-10.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: hopping; reaching; bending; balancing; eye-hand coordination
  • Non-physical skills: self-discovery; creative play; number recognition

Adjust the challenge:

  • Have children jump with two feet rather than hop on one.
  • Increase the number of squares.
Posted in 2.5-4 years (Preschool), 4-6 years (Kindergarten), E-L, Equipment required, Open space



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