Volcanoes and Craters

Age: Preschool, Kindergartenbowl

Equipment: Bowls

Space requirements: Open space

Activity description:

  • Place bowls around the activity area. There should be one bowl per child. Set-up half of the bowls upside down (volcanoes) and half of the bowls right-side up (craters).
  • Designate half of the children as volcanoes and half as craters. Volcanoes want all the bowls to be sitting upside down and the craters want all the bowls to be sitting properly.
  • On your signal, the children run around the space and flip over the bowls accordingly.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: running; bending; reaching; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: cooperation; sharing; critical thinking; problem solving; listening and following instructions; processing information; learning about opposites

Adjust the challenge:

  • Only play with a few children at a time.
  • Have children run back to a designated area in the room after flipping a bowl and before flipping another one.

Activity modified from: Healthy Beginnings for PreSchoolers 2-5

Posted in 2.5-4 years (Preschool), 4-6 years (Kindergarten), Equipment required, Open space, S-Z



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