Do You See What I See?

Age: Infantpuppet-clown

Equipment: Black and white or brightly coloured infant toy

Space requirements: On-the-spot

Activity description:

  • Select an infant toy that has high contract (black and white) or brightly coloured.
  • Slowly move the object from one side to the other side while your baby is lying on their back.
  • The baby’s eyes and head will try to follow the object as it moves.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: vision development; head movement; neck and shoulder muscle strengthening
  • Non-physical skills: self-discovery

Adjust the challenge:

  • Switch the baby to a tummy time position.

Activity modified from: LEAP BC (Literacy, Education, Activity and Play) Move

Posted in 0-18 months (Infant), C-D, Equipment required, On-the-spot



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