Keep it Up

Age: Toddler, Preschoolballoon-heart

Equipment: Balloon

Space requirements: Open space

Activity description:

  • Children stand in a circle and work in a small group to keep a balloon in the air.
  • Children count how many passes they can complete before the balloon drops.

Skill development:

  • Physical skills: manipulating an object; eye-hand coordination; spatial awareness
  • Non-physical skills: sharing; cooperation; problem solving; counting

Adjust the challenge:

  • Children can throw and catch rather than keeping the item in the air.
  • Allow a bounce between each hit.
  • Use a heavier object such as a beach ball or a volleyball.
  • Increase the size of the circle.

Activity modified from:

Posted in 18 months-2.5 years (Toddler), 2.5-4 years (Preschool), E-L, Equipment required, Open space



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